Tyrrell Road (from Raymond Rd to Mason Rd) Corridor Improvements
Project Manager: Candi Thomas, P.E.
Direct Phone: (630) 406-7355
Email: thomascandance@co.kane.il.us
Project Overview
The Kane County Division of Transportation has retained the professional engineering services of Crawford, Murphy and Tilly, Inc to complete Phase I Engineering Services for Corridor Improvements along Tyrrell Road (from Raymond Rd to Mason Rd) within the Village of Gilberts, in Kane County. The primary objective of this improvement is to identify and analyze operational, capacity and safety concerns of the corridor and develop a preferred alternative to address any feasible needs.
The Phase I study will include a crash analysis, analysis of existing and projected traffic demands, environmental studies, and the development of a preferred concept for future implementation.
The project is positioned in the southwest quadrant of the I-90/Randall Road interchange. The project limits encompass a 4,000-foot section of Tyrrell Road south of I-
90 spanning from 1,000 feet north of Raymond Drive to 1,000 feet south of Mason Road. Within the Tyrrell Road project limits are four intersecting side streets: Raymond Drive, Kildare
Street, Welch Street and Mason Road. Tyrrell Road is a Kane County jurisdictional highway. The intersecting local streets are under the jurisdiction of the Village of Gilberts.
Pedestrian and bicycle accommodations are being looked at for the project improvement limits.
It is likely that this improvement will require some land acquisition; however, no residential or commercial displacements are anticipated.
The Phase I study will continue into 2025 and will be submitted for consideration to qualifying federal funding opportunities for further project implementation.

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