Randall Road at IL Route 72 (Higgins Rd)
Project Manager:
Candi Thomas, P.E.
Direct Phone: (630) 406-7355
Email: thomascandance@co.kane.il.us
Virtual Public Meeting - October 14, 2021
Virtual Public Information Meeting regarding proposed improvements to the intersection of Randall Road and IL Route 72 will be held via Zoom:
Thursday, October 14, 2021
6:00PM to 7:30 PM
Project Overview
The Kane County Division of Transportation has retained the professional engineering services of BLA, Inc. to complete Phase I and Phase II Design Engineering Services for Intersection Improvements at Randall Road and IL Route 72 (Higgins Road) within the Village of West Dundee, the Village of Sleepy Hollow, the City of Elgin and unincorporated Kane County. The primary objective of this improvement is to identify and analyze operational, capacity and safety concerns of the intersection and develop a preferred alternative to address any feasible needs.
The Phase I study included a crash analysis of the intersection, analysis of existing and projected traffic demands, environmental studies (including a wetland delineation and a noise analysis study), and the development of a preferred concept for future implementation.
The cross section for this stretch of Randall Road will be widened from the existing 2-lanes in each direction, to 3-lanes in each direction. No additional through lanes are proposed along
IL Route 72 (Higgins Road); however, the left and right turn lane storage and
taper lengths are to be lengthened to assist with the level-of-service of the
intersection and to improve capacity and safety at the existing intersection. The need for this improvement is driven by increasing traffic queues which have reached unacceptable levels of service during peak periods.
Multi-use path
accommodations are also being
implemented as part of the intersection improvements. A multi-use path is proposed on the west side of Randall Road to provide connectivity to the Dundee Township Park District. Crosswalks will be provided on the north and west
legs of the intersection.
This improvement will require land acquisition; however, no residential or commercial displacements are anticipated.
Phase I Design Approval was obtained on January 18th, 2023.
Phase II Design Engineering Services are currently underway and include the development of contract plans, land acquisition and permitting requirements for implementation of the intersection improvements. KDOT intends to submit applications, for consideration, to qualifying federal funding opportunities for further project implementation.
Construction is tentatively targeted for 2025, pending availability of funding and right-of-way acquisition.
Randall Road at IL Route 72_Approved PDR_01-18-2023.pdf

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