2040 Transit Plan
The Kane County 2040 Transit Plan is an integral component in the County's long range comprehensive planning process. It identifies existing transit conditions, documents market potential, recommends transit improvements and identifies funding strategies to inform a comprehensive Long Range Plan that will integrate land use and transportation goals and objectives.
Major tasks of this planning effort included:
- Document existing and planned services
- Conduct a market analysis
- Provide a current and future needs assessment
- Make system improvement recommendations
- Investigate public and private funding sources
- Conduct public and stakeholder meetings
The Kane County 2040 Transit planning efforts were partially funded by an RTAP grant from the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA).
Transit Committee
The Transit Committee was established by the Kane/Kendall Council of Mayors and is comprised of Kane County municipal representatives, the RTA, Metra, Pace Suburban Bus, and County Transportation and Land Use staff and other interested individuals.
The Transit Committee was the project steering committee for the planning efforts of the 2040 Long Range Transit Plan.