Land Use Assumptions Online Mapping Tool
Kane County is updating the Impact Fee Program to reflect projected growth over the coming years. A summary of the analysis and key assumptions used to develop the Impact Fee Program are documented in the County's Comprehensive Road Improvement Plan (CRIP). The CRIP includes a detailed assessment of the County's existing roadway network, assumptions regarding the magnitude and location of anticipated new development, documentation of upcoming planned highway projects, and information regarding available funding sources.
This online tool contains data regarding households, population, and unemployment for years 2020 and 2030 available for comment. The data is presented at the Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) level as well as the township level. There is also a section containing transportation projects included in the current CRIP and the chance to add proposed projects not listed in the current plan. Please note only projects proposed on county highways will be considered for the CRIP.
To access the tool, click here.
To watch the training video, click here.