
​Contact: Chief Financial Officer​

The Kane County Division of Transportation prepares a budget and Draft 5-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) annually. The Division of Transportation is funded by three property tax levies (i.e. County Highway, County Bridge, County Matching), two motor fuel tax funds (i.e. Motor Fuel Tax and Local Option Motor Fuel Tax), reimbursements and other sources (i.e. State, Federal, Impact Fe​es, Local, developers contributions, and transfers), and previous year fund balances to include the Transportation Capital Fund. It should be noted that the Division of Transportation budget is not funded through the General Fund of the County. The Transportation Improvement Program is primarily a continuation of the prior fiscal year program and includes the following efforts:
  • Longmeadow Parkway Bridge Corridor – Phase II Eng., Land Acquisition and Construction
  • Stearns Road at Randall Road – Intersection Ultimate Design Improvements
  • Various Bridge Rehabilitation/Replacement Projects​
  • Various Maintenance Projects
  • Various Safety & Traffic Enhancement Projects