
Ride in Kane service is sponsored by the participating agencies on this page along with assistance from Kane County and Pace Suburban Bus. This project is funded from grants by ​the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) received from the Federal Transit Administration:  Section 5310 Funds - Enhanced Mobility of Seniors & Individuals with Disabilities. Local matching funds from federal grants are provided by the participating sponsors, Kane County, and Pace Suburban Bus.

Each sponsor determines the type, number and timing of trips their riders can take. To use the program, residents must first register with the appropriate local sponsor. The sponsors register eligible riders based upon federal guidelines for age, disability or income. Sponsor guidelines are listed below. Once registered, individuals can use Ride in Kane to take rides per the local sponsor trip guidelines. 

The map on the right shows the participating sponsors.  Click here to view a larger ve​rsion of the map.

If you aren't sure about who your sponsor might be, please contact the Ride in Kane Program Manager, Janet Harris using the Help Line at (630) 762-2600 or via email at harrisjanet@co.kane.il.us. 

Please note the Ride in Kane service is only open to people who reside in Kane County.

To use the Ride in Kane ser​vice, you must be registered with a local sponsor. 

  1. The first step is to determine if you live in a sponsored area or are a client of the social service agencies participating as sponsors. ​
  2. ​Second, contact the sponsor directly to register with them. Local sponsors determine individual ride restrictions and eligibility requirements for their riders.
  3. Third, once registered you can start scheduling rides in accordance with the sponsor ride restrictions. The Rider's Guide provides a program overview and the rules for using the service.  Every rider receives a copy of the Rider's Guide upon registration and must use the service accordingly.  View the Rider's Guide click the link: ​ Ride in Kane Guide​​ Paseo En Guia Kane​​

Each sponsor's contact information, program and trip guidelines are listed below. 

Association for Individual Development

Eligible riders are individuals who have a developmental or behavioral health disability who are currently receiving services from AID.

Contact: Elgin Office, Araceli Ramones

​Days / Time: 

Phone: 888-480-8549

Association for I​​ndividual Development

Main Office & Thompson Center
309 W. New Indian Trail Ct.
Aurora, IL 60506
Phone: 630-966-4000​

Aurora Township

Eligible riders are individuals with a disability and individuals aged 65 and over. Individuals must live in Aurora Township. 

Contact: Melissa, Gloria or Nohemi
Days / Time: Monday - Friday / 8:30am-4:00pm
Phone: 630-892-1999
Aurora Township

Aurora Township
80 N. Broadway
Aurora, IL 60505

Batavia Township

Eligible riders are individuals with a disability and individuals aged 65 and over. Individuals must live in Batavia Township. The City of Batavia registers all Batavia Township residents for Ride in Kane.

Contact: Aleece Ostermann - Reception
Days / Time: Monday - Friday / 8:00am-5:00pm
Phone: 630-454-2020 or aostermann@cityofbatavia.net

Batavia Township
City of Batavia

​Big Rock Township

Eligible riders are individuals with a disability, individuals aged 65 and over.  Individuals must live in Big Rock Township.

Rides allowed to anywhere in Kane County and within 10 miles into Kendall and DeKalb counties.

Contact: Kenneth Rojek       bigrocktownship@gmail.com

All meetings are by appointment only.

Phone: 630-556-4340    Voicemail messages will be returned the next business day.

Big Rock Township

P.O. Box 252
408 Rhodes Street

Big Rock, IL 60511

Blackberry Township

Eligible riders are individuals with a disability, individuals with short term medical conditions that prohibit driving, and individuals aged 65 and over. Individuals must live in Blackberry Township.  Individual must have proof of inability to drive. Rides for Medical purposes only. Trips are limited to Kane County.

Contact: Esther Steel - Township Supervisor

Days/ Time: Monday - Friday / 8:00am-4:3​0 pm
Phone: 630-365-9109 ext. 227

Blackberry Township​

Blackberry Township
43W390 Main Street Road
Elburn, IL 60119

​​Campton Township

Eligible riders are individuals with a disability and individuals aged 65 and over. Individuals must live in Campton Township. Limited to medical purposes only, if funds are available.

Contact: Ruth Rottmann

Days / Time: Monday - Friday / 9:00am - 4:00pm
Phone: 630-387-1016

Campton Township

43W870 Empire Road
Lily Lake, IL 60175

City of Batavia

Eligible riders are individuals with a disability and individuals aged 65 and over. Individuals must live in the City of Batavia.

Contact: Aleece Ostermann - Reception
Days / Time: Monday - Friday / 8:00am - 5:00pm
Phone: 630-454-2020 or aostermann@cityofbatavia.net

Batavia Township
City of Batavia

City of Batavia

100 N. Island Avenue

Batavia, IL 60510

​ City of Elgin/Senior Service Associates of Elgin

Eligible riders are individuals with a disability and individuals aged 65 and over. Individuals must live in the City of Elgin. Senior Service Associates of Elgin registers all City of Elgin clients for Ride in Kane.  

Contact: Mary Gabioud, Senior Services Associates of Elgin

​​Day / Time: Monday - Friday / 8:00am - 4:00pm
Phone: 847-741-0404

Senior Services Associates
City of Elgin

Greater Elgin Senior Center
101 South Grove Avenue
Elgin, IL 60120

City of Geneva

Eligible riders are individuals with a disability and individuals aged 65 and over. Individuals must live within the corporate limits of the City of Geneva.

​Contact: Jeanne Fornari​
Days / Time: Monday-Friday / 8:00am-4:30pm (closed major holidays)
Phone: 630-232-7494

City of Geneva

22 South First Street
Geneva, IL 60134

City of St. Charles

Eligible riders are individuals with a permanent disability and individuals aged 65 and over. Individuals must live within the corporate limits of the City of St. Charles. Individuals must have a RTA Reduced Fare card.

​Contact: U​tility Billing
Days / Time: Monday-Friday / 8:00am-4:30pm
Phone: 630-377-4426

The City of St. Charles Ride in Kane Transportation Program

City of St. Charles Municipal Building

2 E. Main St.
St. Charles, Illinois 60174
Dundee Township

Eligible riders are individuals with a disability and individuals aged 65 and over who live in Dundee Township. 

Contact:  Katie or Patricia 

Days / Time:  9:00am-4:00pm 

Phone: 847 428-8092 Ext. 6

Dundee Township

611 East Main Street, Suite 101
East Dundee, IL 60118

Elgin Township

Eligible riders are individuals with a disability and individuals aged 65 and over.  Individuals must live in unincorporated Elgin Township. Service is provided as funds are available.

Contact: Claudia Franco
Days / Time: Monday - Friday / 8:00am - 4:00pm
Phone: 847-741-2045

Elgin Township

729 McLean Blvd., Suite 200
Elgin, IL 60123

Kane County

Eligible riders are people 65 or older, and persons with a disability if you live in a non-sponsored area for medical trips only. ​​​​​​

Contact:  Janet Harris, Ride in Kane Program Manager

Days/Time:  Monday - Friday / 9:00 am-4:00 pm

Phone: 630-762-2600​

Kane County Division of Transportation​

41W011 Burlington Road

Campton Hills, IL 60175

Online Registration - Use this l​in​k to register

Rutland​ Township

Eligible riders are individuals with a disability and individuals aged 65 and over, must live in corporate Rutland Township.  Trips for medical/work/social and travel to McHenry County to attend Northwester Medicine Huntley Hospital. No subscriptions.

Contact: Supervisor Raul Lemus

Days/Time: Saturday / 10:30am- 1:30 pm or by appointment only​
Phone: 224-833-0914

Email: supervisor@rutlandtownship.com 

Rutland Township 

Rutland Township Supervisor's Office
16N491 Powers Rd. (at the corner of Big Timber and Powers Roads

St. Charles Township

Eligible riders are individuals with a disability and individuals aged 65 and over, and individuals who qualify as low income per Federal Guidelines. Individuals must live in unincorporated St. Charles Township.  Limit of 3 round trip rides per week or 6 one-way trip rides per week for medical or employment.  No subscriptions. Rides within Kane County only.

Contact: Courtney Mills

Days/Time: Monday-Friday / 8:00am- 3:30 pm
Phone: 630-584-9342

St. Charles Township

1725 Dean Street
St. Charles, IL 60174

Village of Pingree Grove

Eligible riders are individuals with a reported disability and individuals aged 65 and over.​ Individuals must live within the corporate limits of the Village of Pingree Grove. Trips are restricted to medical appointments, grocery shopping and access to Northwestern Medicine Huntley Hospital, McHenry County is permitted. 

​Contact: Susan Terranova x1511 or Laura Ortega x1507
Days / Time: Monday - Friday / 8:00am-4:30pm
Phone: 847-464-5533

Pingree Grove

Pingree Grove Village Municipal Center
555 Reinking Rd.
Pingree Grove, IL 60140​​

Village of South Elgin

Eligible riders are individuals with a disability and individuals aged 65 and over.​ Individuals must live in South Elgin.  Rides available for medical appointments, employment and/or job training. Service will be available as funds are available. 

​Contact: Dione or Latasha
Days / Time: Monday - Friday / 8:30am-5:00pm
Phone: 847-741-3894

South Elgin

South Elgin Village Hall
10 N. Water Street
South Elgin, IL 60177

Pace Paratransit Trip Check

​All registered ​​​Paratransit riders have access to TripCheck​. Setting up your alert preferences will allow you to retrieve ​automatic updates from Pace, but you can also reach to the Call Center ​​at any time to request information about trips. 

General Information for Disabled Riders

To qualify as a rider due to a disability, some Ride in Kane sponsors require that individuals obtain a Reduced Fare Permit through the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA). If you already have a RTA Ride Free Permit or RTA ADA Paratransit Permit, you do not need to apply for a Reduced Fare Permit, as these permits will also serve as proof of disability. To obtain a Reduced Fare Program application, call the RTA Mobility Services Helpline at 312-663-4357 (HELP) and press option 3 on the main menu.

In addition, agencies that serve people with disabilities and older adults can also receive information on RTA programs and services by requesting an informational presentation or participation in a resource fare by calling the RTA Mobility Outreach Program at 312-913-3203.

For more information on the RTA Reduced Fare Program please visit the Regional Transportation Authority​.​